Lash Aftercare

Maximise the lifespan of your eyelash extensions by following these important tips as the first 24 hours are crucial for ensuring your eyelash extensions are long lasting.

Avoid breaking down the adhesive bond of your eyelash extensions

Avoid getting your eyelash extensions wet

Avoid hot steam from saunas, showers or Jacuzzis

Do not touch your eyelash extensions excessively

General Maintenance

Do not perm or tint your eyelash extensions
Do not use mechanical or heated curlers on your eyelash extensions
Be gentle with your eyelash extensions - avoid rubbing or touching!
Use oil free makeup remover to clean eyelashes and eye area
Do not use any oil based (waterproof) mascara
Do not use oil based makeup
Never pick or pull at your eyelash extensions

Aftercare Appointments

After 2-3 weeks you will notice a slight loss of eyelash extensions. This is a natural part of your eyelash growth cycle. Your extensions can be maintained with in-fill appointments, which take less time (45-60 minutes). If you wish to remove your lashes, this should only be done by a trained professional. The human eyelash grows between 7mm and 9mm in length, growing for 30 days and resting for 60 days. After this they start to naturally fall out, and a new growth cycle begins. Eyelash extensions are a semi-permanent solution to fuller, gorgeous, and sexier lashes. The permanence is dependent on the client following strict after-care advice at home. To keep your eyelash extensions looking fresh retouch appointments are recommended every 2- 3 weeks.

About Your Therapist

Kirsty Plane

Beautician and Trainer

Kirsty is a fully qualified beauty therapist with over eleven years experience and full insurance.

Kirsty is also a qualified beauty trainer for those who wish to begin training in beauty treatments.

Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through!